I am very excited to share with you a priceless new strategy tool – something I have been searching for decades.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” Leonard Da Vinci.
Too often, strategy is over-complicated. And I completely understand why – there are so many aspects and details that a good strategy needs to take in to consideration if it wishes to succeed. But it needs to be simpler.
I have been searching for a diagram that could fit the key elements of a good strategy simply on one page. And, inspired by a brand strategy expert by the name of Kelly Teasdale I met a couple of weeks ago – I have finally managed to build it!
Purpose lies at the heart of your strategy. If you don’t know why you exist and for whom – you will fail to live up to your potential.
Moving North, we come to Aspiration. What sort of business do you want to be? If you are a Vision company, how are you going to “make a dent in the universe” to quote Steve jobs? If you are a Mission business, what size of business do you want to be?
To the West we find Customers: the lifeblood of your organisation. What’s your brand strategy? What is your Customer Experience Gap and how do you plan to fill it?
To the East are your People. Culture is critical. What is your culture gap and how will you fill it? How do you want your leaders to behave?
And finally we head South, to action. What are your Priorities? How will you do the basics well? What are your quick wins? Your long term actions? Your success metrics?
Click here to download the details of the ‘Strategy on a Page’ diagram – and of course give me a call to help you and your team clarify the above and, more importantly, align your people to deliver.
Have a brilliant Summer.
Warm regards
July 2019